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Gluten free food glenrothes

Gluten Free Food Service Glenrothes

Here at Cadham Pharmacy, we are passionate about helping our community live healthy and happy lives! If you have recently been diagnosed with Coeliac disease, you can register with Cadham Pharmacy and allow us to support and help you manage your condition. We provide a Gluten Free Food Service in Glenrothes, Fife.


The Gluten-free Food Service is a voluntary service for people that need to eat gluten-free foods as part of their care. This service is available through most community pharmacies in Scotland.

All gluten-free foods are provided free-of-charge as part of your prescription.

Who can use this service?

You can use this service if you:

  • have a confirmed diagnosis of coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis
  • live in Scotland
  • have registered with a GP practice

Please note: You can’t use this service if you live in a care home but can continue to get your prescription through your GP.


By using this service, you’ll:

  • have more control and variety in your diet
  • have the freedom to change your order each month so that you can try different foods
  • be sure that your gluten-free food unit allocation is what you are entitled to
  • be offered an annual health check
  • As you’ll order through your pharmacy, you’ll no longer have to visit your GP each time you need a food prescription

Annual health check

If you’re over 16, have coeliac disease and registered with the gluten-free food service, your pharmacist will invite you to have an annual health check.

During this check, the pharmacist will:

  • ask you questions relating to coeliac disease and your gluten-free diet
  • ask or take your weight and height
  • give you a chance to discuss your concerns
  • check if you’re still entitled to the same number of units as before – if there’s a change, they’ll let you and your GP know

The pharmacist can then put you in touch with the correct healthcare professional if there’s a need for further action.

Contact us to find out more about our Gluten Free Food Service in Glenrothes

Book an appointment today

Simply choose the type of service as well as the date/time that are convenient for you. It couldn’t be simpler! Contact our team for more information about our Gluten Free Food Service.

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